The monthly traffic feature, that’s at times also identified as bandwidth or data transfer, refers to the overall volume of data that can be uploaded to your hosting account and downloaded from it every month. Your traffic is generated predominantly by site visits - whenever someone loads your site, the pages they view are downloaded from your website hosting server to their computer system or mobile device and they are displayed by the browser. What counts for the web site traffic produced is the size of these webpages, consequently the more website visitors you have for some period of time, the more site traffic will be produced. Along with the site visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the total monthly transfer i.e. every time you upload web site content as well as other files through a file manager or an FTP program, they will also produce some traffic. The counter resets on the first day of every month and it is not related to the date you have registered as well as the date you have renewed the website hosting plan.
Monthly Traffic in Hosting
Our Linux hosting are appropriate for any kind of small to medium-sized web site and even a larger variety of web sites. Considering that you can host many different domains in just a single account, we have designed our packages in a way so as to provide you with all the features you may need. Whether you run a private portfolio web site or an e-commerce web site, the monthly website traffic allowance that your web site can use will never be a holdback. Thus, you'll have the opportunity to broaden your online presence and obtain a lot of new website visitors without having to worry about hitting some limit. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel gives you detailed details for the traffic usage to and from your account, which will enable you to handle your web sites as well as the account more efficiently. You can check monthly, daily and hourly statistics, the website traffic generated by each domain and by the account altogether, the most downloaded files, etcetera.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The monthly site traffic feature of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting is unlimited, or as many companies describe it, unmetered. Certainly, we monitor the amount of uploaded and downloaded content for each account, yet we won't ever put a limit, therefore your websites can grow and get more visitors. We provide you with detailed info what's going on in your account to help you manage your sites more effectively and to be informed on how they perform. You'll be able to see the traffic produced by each and every web site as well as the most downloaded web page or file. The results are monthly, daily and hourly. In the ever evolving internet world, you will be able to have numerous new website visitors with just one advertising campaign, so by providing a truly unlimited package, we'll guarantee that you will not lose clients because your account cannot handle the site traffic.
Monthly Traffic in VPS
All the Linux VPS that we supply have a monthly traffic allowance proportionate to the resources they come with. The more disk space and computing power a server has, the more probable it is that you will host more sites on it, therefore the website traffic you are able to will increase with each package. If you need extra traffic at some time, you will be able to improve the package via your billing Control Panel with just a couple of clicks and the additional system resources, including the greater traffic quota, will be added to your account. You will also be to view how much information has been transferred to and from your virtual server at any moment. For your benefit, we will notify you once you reach 90% of the allowance so as to give you enough time to react and decrease your traffic or update the package if needed. In your control panel, you will be able to view the website traffic stats for every domain or subdomain in your VPS account.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
Using a dedicated server, you will have a very efficient website hosting solution at your disposal and the traffic allowance that you will get suits the rest of the features. Your server will be able to generate terabytes of traffic monthly, so regardless of the kind or amount of websites that you host, you will never need to worry for them being not available because of not sufficient site traffic. To be on the safe side though, we will give you the opportunity to improve this feature if needed. We will inform you in advance when you get close to the limit, so you will have the option to update or reduce your traffic by optimizing your data to avoid any disruption of the work of your sites. You are able to view the consumed and remaining site traffic for the current month through the administration panel that we provide. The data there features all of the incoming & outgoing transfers, which includes software setups and updates. In contrast, a hosting Control Panel can give more detailed info, but only for the traffic to and from a hosting account, not the server as a whole.